Friday, March 31, 2006

Pink Ribbons

I'm meeting with a surgeon in a week to discuss my upcoming lumpectomy. I have breast cancer. I'm ok. The hardest part is talking about it with people. In fact, I don't want to talk to people. When someone says the words, "I have breast cancer", people react. The oncologist/radiologist said, "I'm sorry but you have cancer", I was at peace, slightly sad but at peace. But, I know why he said, "I'm sorry". It changes you in ways you can never anticipate. Sorry and pity are the emotion that others feel. I want positive emotion. I want love, not pity. I want strength not sorry. I want reactions like this..

I have cancer. You are beautiful.

I have cancer. You are strong.

I have cancer. You are peace.

I have cancer. You are love.

I have cancer.
I am NOT cancer, it will be gone. I know.

I've only told 3 people. Two friends I choose to tell, they were strong women who I knew could handle it and give me strength, love, and peace. One friend just happened to call and I dropped the bomb. She was a mess. You see, it's everyone else's reactions that shake me. I'm ok.

I don't know how to incorporate this into my everyday interactions. But, it's ok. I don't have to know how today.

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