Monday, May 28, 2007


I've been in Chicago the last four days exhibiting for Lansinoh at the American College of Nurse Midwives Conference. It's been exciting and interesting and exhausting. I miss my kids too.

Last night I went out with one of the women I work with. We had a super meal and drank a bottle of wine after having a couple of drinks during happy hour. I was very "happy" yesterday but a little not-so-happy today. I need a nap. I do so enjoy travelling. It feeds my soul.

For those keeping track the yogic ethical principal of the month is Satya or Truthfulness.

"Satya is a Sanskrit word that loosely translates into English as "truth" or "correct." It is a term of power due to its purity and meaning and has become the emblem of many peaceful social movements, particularly those centered on social justice, environmentalism and vegetarianism.

Satya is also defined in Sanskrit as "sate hitam satyam" which translates to "All that takes you closer to sat (i.e. almighty god) is satya (i.e. the real truth)". This implies that all that which may seem to be true but on deeper investigation does not take us closer to god is not satya.

Hence all the deeds, words, and wisdom that takes closer to the almighty are the truth."

This is difficult. Especially in my efforts to become a part of a new company, meeting new people and new ways of working. I struggle with keeping the concept of Satya pure. Oh, and here's the truth...I love meat. I had a juicy, bloody steak yesterday and it was GREAT. Oh, how to reconcile my very contradictory life.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

I've had an eventful week. I did the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. I have lots of pictures and will probably do a blog just on that weekend. It was fun. There was one point where I was really choked up and that was moments before the survivors were asked to parade on stage after the walk. There is something about being around the women who really know it. Who have dealt with the feelings and fears of a life threatening disease and can live each day with joy and love in spite of it. Survivor. The word isn't something I feel altogether comfortable embracing. For two reasons. One, I don't think that the people that died from cancer aren't survivors. And two, I'm not so much a survivor from my ordeal as just a person who lives each day. I'm a liver. But, liver is not the right word either since it connotes a large internal organ. Anyway, we need a better language.

After the walk I went to Staunton, VA where I was a participant in a "little 'L' leadership and learning" workshop. It was amazing. It was presented by Marcia Conner who wrote the book Learn More Now. Great book. Super woman. This workshop is, I believe, an effort to help LLL as an organization grow and be better but the information presented could help any individual or group. Great stuff and I'm sure I'll include a post just on this in the future.

Now I'm in the middle of my yoga teacher training weekend. I'm learning a lot, thinking a lot and struggling with a couple of things. There is a dear woman who teaches us the Anatomy and Physiology section and her facilitating/teaching methods are the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard for me. She reads her handouts to us, among other things. I struggle with how to deal with this. Also, it's not clear what we need the information for exactly. Most of it I have an understanding of because of my IBCLC and doula background, not to mention my intimate knowledge of cancer and it's physiology. So, when we're given I broad view of the lymphatic system, for example, presented in a way that makes me feel physically ill (a slight exaggeration), I want to know exactly what you want me to do with this info. Later in the training Felicitas eluded that we'd have a test at the end of the training. Crap. Does that mean I'm going to have to reread the notes that the instructor spent an hour reading to me that I chose to ignore because it was too painful not to? We'll see.

More later...I'm being pampered now. Breakfast in bed. I love my kids. I have to take a picture of the card that Erin gave me. So cute. I have white and black yarn hair!

Peace and Love to all.