Monday, December 12, 2005

Moving to Buffalo

On Friday, Paul excepted a job offer in Lancaster, NY. He quit his job at the EPA. He is starting work in Bflo on Jan 9th. I'm excited and shocked that I'm leaving northern virginia to move back north to Bflo. My feelings fluxuate from sheer happiness, God knows we need a change, to nervous anxiety. This has been a trying year on our family. It will be so nice to start fresh. I'm looking forward to being near family and NOT just my immediate family, though my parents aren't getting any younger, but all my cousins and second cousins and aunts and uncles. I haven't lived within a days drive of any family members in nearly 20 years. It's exciting and daunting.

Now we must go about the process of moving. Paul will start work in January and I'll be single-moming it here for a few months. Initially, I though it best to simply finish the school year and then move until I realized that the elementary schools were K-4 schools, which meant Erin, my middle child who just stopped crying at school, would be on her own next year with big sister Rachel in Middle School. I'm quite nervous about the school situation. We're leaving such a great school system and the best elementary school in the country and I'm not sure what we're in for in Western NY.

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