Saturday, December 24, 2005

Rahma and Raheema

today i attended the birth of a friend's twins today. i wasn't actually allowed in the delivery room. it was a c-sec, in fact they told me i wouldn't be allowed in recovery either, in fact, they said i should leave the hospital and come back in three hours and MAYBE i could see her. unbelievable. two hours later momma called me from recovery and told me to come and find her that she needed help latching on the baby, etc. all in all, it wasn't so bad but i wonder why anyone in their right mind would choose a hospital birth. it's such a rotten place to have a baby and become a family.

when i was waiting in triage with the momma, another momma came in. there was only a thin piece of material separating us and we could hear everything. the nurse asked her a question and it was clear that the woman didn't speak english. the nurse proceeded to tell her that she needed to speak english if she wanted to be in this country and THEN asked her to move over on the cot and when she didn't she told her that she'd just have to move her and it'll hurt because she didn't understand english. yikes. i couldn't believe it. this is one of the most diverse hospitals and parts of the country. what was this nurse thinking?

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