Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Finding Compassion

This seems to be turning into a cancer blog. It's ok. It's me now.

Paul's grandpa died on Monday and his family is converving on WNY. This will be a lesson in compassion. There a few members of Paul's immediate family that have not attempted ANY contact during the "chemo" experience. It's so glaringly insensitive, as I've received dozens of prayers, notes and e-mails from good friends and some acquantances even. I met a friend of a friend last summer one time. She sent me a lovely card just saying she was thinking of me. Compassion. I know that some people are just not equipped to experience life. That's sad. That's the place where compassion comes from. Understanding that people's actions are not about me but about them, I suppose.

I'm very excited that I'm going to see His Holiness The Dalai Lama next week. He's speaking at UB.

Still not in a place of inspiration to write. Here is a link to a great essay from NPR. It's not about the hair. It's not.

Not About the Hair

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