Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thanks for the Materials *

Since I was diagnosed with cancer I've had many friends and acquaintances give me books, articles and recordings about disease, healing, nutrition, etc. I love to read these things and always, take what I need and leave the rest but sometimes, when I'm not feeling super confident, I wonder if there is the slightest bit of criticism on the part of those who send me these books. It's as if people think I'm lacking some insight or understanding into why I have this disease or how I can heal from it. I know that this isn't their motivation, or at least isn't the motivation of most of my friends, but I wonder.

I've sent numerous books on parenting/breastfeeding/birth to many of my friends and relatives. I always thought that I had a perspective that they may not know. I'm certain that I've helped a number of people find their way in parenting by sending them books but I may have also made some feel criticized. This is new insight for me.

I think I'll start asking new parents to share with me their new perspectives, insights and knowledge. What have they learned on this journey of parenting? I certainly don't know more than anyone and don't assume to know what an individual is ready to hear or learn. Everyone is on their own path.

So, now that things have calmed down and I'm feeling better and becoming more myself. I realize that I have the knowledge, the strength, and the ability to heal within ME. Not in a book, a religion, a specific prayer. If these things resonate with my inner being than they can help me to heal or to tap into my own strength and ability to heal.

* This isn't meant to make anyone feel bad or not send interesting articles. I love the information. This is about me and how I receive the information.

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