Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Old Friends and New Friends

I'm sitting in an airport with some time on my hands. I've been exploring the idea of grounding myself. I actually believe that in some ways the travelling in my life gives me an opportunity to quiet myself. I've always loved travel and I like the idea of living out of a suitcase. It's all I need, really. So, I sit grounded in an airport.

I went to Gilda's last week to toast to Joan. I started a little tradition in my cancer support group, that when someone dies I bring Guinness and we toast to the person. It just seemed like the right thing to do. Anyway, it was time to toast to Joan and of course, I wanted to be there. I hadn't been to group in awhile. It got difficult with after school activities and before that I was busy enjoying the summer and I just wanted to move on, I guess. I walked into the beautiful orange room at Gilda's where we meet and there were a number of new people with the stark look of cancer. I know this look very well. From the corner of the room from a woman I don't recognise at first, I hear, "Barb Haney?". My eyes meet this woman who has the battle scars of cancer and I realize I know her. "Kathy?", I say.

Kathy and I knew each other when I went to UB. She actually lived with me and Kay while we were at UB. She lives in my neighborhood. Walking distance. We've visited each other a few times. She hasn't got very good use of her right side due to the tumor. She's stopped the torture of treatment. I'm so happy to have her in my life. What a blessing.

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