Friday, February 20, 2009

Stolen Moment

I love to write. It is such a moment of sweet indulgence when I can get out and on paper some ideas and thoughts and emotions that knock around in the ole' noggin. It has been a form of meditation. A time to focus on the exhale of all those ideas and emotions in the form of words on a paper or cyber space as it may be. I relish in this and love taking time to indulge in it's sweet nectar of self centeredness and self absorption. My time has been so limited lately. I find so few moments to think without interruption. As it is, I have the two little ones in the grips of the drug called TV for a stolen moment. Any minute the rest of the gang will come barging in with ski gear and hungry tummies and well, Mom typing out a glimpse of something interesting would NOT go over well. Mom!!!!! And so I sit...this moment and breathe in the reality of my life. Marveling at the plan that has been laid out for us all. You and me. Brought together at this instance.

When I think of you, I want to send you peace. Life is so damn short ...

I have held crazy grudges. It's in my genes. Us Irish...well, we never forget. Everything I do is an effort to keep my heart soft and to send love. I know that the place of grudges is a place of dis-EASE. I want Easy. And it is so easy really.

Loving. What's hard about that?

Well...there's a story. A love story. What's hard about love? Why don't we always choose loving kindness? To see it in all that is and was and will be. Everything is as it should be now. Trusting in what is rather than going off on the coaster ride of the pesky little mind and it's constant incessant ego talk.

Shambhala Level III training is at the end of March. I'm looking forward to it.

Meanwhile I'm doing plenty of sitting but could always use more. I'm teaching 4 yoga classes per week. Prenatal, a resorative/gentle class and an All Levels class. I love to be in this service of teaching yoga. I'm also so grateful to the facility that I teach at a center of healing. In fact, the name has changes to Healing Waters--Center for Yoga, Health and Mindful Living.

The truck just pulled in...I hope to do a blog entry soon on the business of teaching yoga.

1 comment:

L.P. Cells said...

It is a pity that one must eat and sleep. I don't suggest stealing time from those necessities, but I can dream. I pray that you find the fulfillment you seek in the moments you have. There is certainly plenty of excitement and energy!