Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Smashin' the Ego

Did I mention that the universe made me stop in a fairly violent way recently? Well, I crashed into my karma one day when I was busy doing, going and gettin' things, too many things done. STOP. She shouted.

Head on collision with stopped mass...car ruined...me fine but for a case of whiplash. I love my chiropractor and thank the Gods for yoga!

Look, listen and stop the madness.
Difficulty, conflict, illness and death are a part of life.
Breathe in...take in that which is good to your system...life giving oxygen and in that same breath be one with that which doesn't serve you....let it go and breathe out. Mourn and die. It is life and death in each breath. The pause is where each moment we either breathe again or not, to breathe again is life ... to stop death. So simple really.

In Buddhism the most poignant meditation, the one that will serve you well, is the death meditation because it is the thing that makes us all real. It is the only real and universal part of life. Death is inevitable.

So, in this stop. In your stops in life take a moment to evaluate and let go of the breath and life that doesn't serve you. For Hatha Mama, my stop was an opportunity to say goodbye to excessive giving. Do less for others and focus on my own well being....less teaching yoga, more doing yoga, less helping other families (less hours doing consults) and more focus on my family, less teaching others and more learning for me (thus the highly charged choice to go back to school for my Master's degree-yikes). Life is ever changing and quite a ride. Me-- I'm tryin' not to fight the flow of life. Being flexible like the trees in nature to weather's sometimes violent blow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And so it is! You ROCK!