Thursday, July 05, 2007

Random Thoughts

Perhaps it's the child's joy that bothers him so. Refined and learned he observes the painting listening to the commentary, pursing his lips in approval or disapproval for all is either right or wrong, good or bad,...the pain can be overwhelming and when it becomes so bad the reward is defeatism. He ain't got a way to let that valve, pressure valve release. I observe this as a stranger, watching the man I don't know down the hallways of the museum. Though I've seen him or those like him everyday in every city I've ever been. They roam the earth bitter and pungent settling in their homes and growing roots only long enough to hold on. They protect themselves with thorns and vines of judgement and negativity.

I open my home and heart and remember compassion. Love makes everything alive and conscious. You have to have love and give love and when you don't and choose bitterness and find yourself taking it out on the world it hurts us all ... our only defence and offence is to love. Love every angry, bitter, negative statement as a mother loves her ill behaved child at the toddler's birthday party. Because they are only children, asleep to a greater consciousness.

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