Monday, November 05, 2007

joyous links

When I was a freshman in college, this is going BACK now...20 something years ago. My sister came to visit me in my dorm room. We were partying and I may have ate some "bad" mushrooms and I was tripping from the effects of these "off mushrooms". (Some fungus spores can do have to be very careful!) Anyway, I remember that I was going off on a thread of consciousness...spouting the idea that everything is connected. I mean everything; we are all connected by something. That there are links and connection. Everything is linked together. All people, thoughts, things, animals, plants, planets and emotions. Everything is linked and everything has an effect on everything else. It was an adolescent expression, I'm sure as I had very few life experiences to bounce this concept off of. But, I got something. I understood a fundamental concept.

I may have forgotten to honor this in my life of recent and now I see it clearly. I see the connection as a connection to the only thing that is REAL. Call it what you may...God, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammad, Jesus, the great consciousness. THIS is what connects us and IS us. The only reality beyond the body, mind, the thing that carries on when we die...the god consciousness. This is what holds us together linked by fate and circumstances and karma and whatever you want to call it the web of life. What you do, think, feel are is connected to everything.

When I first moved here I heard the name...Eileen S. all the time. Everyone I met who found out what I did (birth/breastfeeding stuff)said I had to meet this woman. Today I had breakfast with her. I have dropped into this beautiful group of woman and am meant to be here doing exactly what I am doing. Thankfully I made space for the world to simply fall into place around me. All is well.

1 comment:

Mama Kim said...

loved those three last posts-your voice is so clear-LOVE it!
