Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cancer Doesn't Sleep In

Bob died. He was a sweet man that showed up for our wellness group at Gilda's. He was a funny guy. I liked him. His funeral was this weekend and I couldn't get there, though I wish I could have. I have a lot that takes my emotional energy. And my family gets the first overflow. If I were to give more this last week it would have been pulling from my reserves. I need to give from the overflow not pull from my being. Which sometimes is hard, especially as life gets busy.

Today I was exhausted. I stayed up too late reading the Yoga Sutras in preparation for my exam this weekend. I just wanted to sleep a little later than usual. My alarm is set for 6:15. When I got out of bed at 7:30 the house was chaotic. I'm needed...life is better when I'm present and it is a delicate balance between meeting the needs of my family and making sure my needs are met too.

Anyway...cheers to Bob. Another wonderful soul drawn too quickly from his family into the vastness of God. May he find infinite bliss. He deserves it.

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