Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Off Week

Well, I feel normal now. Really weird, because I felt like dog poop just a few days ago. The chemo week sucks. The first few days are like a fog. The meds keep you drugged so you don't really know how bad you feel then you stop taking the meds a little before you stop needing them and POW! you feel like shit, unless you keep taking the "as needed" drugs that kind of take the edge off. Toaward the end of the "chemo week" I started getting hot flashes too and my bowels and pee smelled like liquid sludge from Love Canal. I also had sore lymphnodes at the end of the week as my body worked overtime to purge the rot from my system.

This week I'm feeling fairly normal. I'm starting to feel like myself, just in time to start the whole ball rolling again on Monday, July 24th. Chemo II.

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