Friday, July 28, 2006


Well, two down. I had my second chemo treatment on Monday. They almost didn't give it to me because my WBC count was so low due to their oversight in mentioning a shot I needed to get two days after my first chemo to boost things back to normal. My doctor "ate crow" (his words). And allowed me to get the chemo even though he doesn't usually go below 1000 and my levels were at 800. But, I panicked as I had the next week planned to a tee for childcare etc. and he relented. I'm taking Cipro profilactically and got my shot exactly 24 hours after chemo and have taken my germophobia to great heights. Those who know me would be amazed that I could battle bacteria better than I did before...

I was starting to turn the corner yesterday. I ate some dinner and was feeling ok. Not great...still wanting to curl up and die but better. At 11pm I was starting to doze off when the worst, most pungent smell overtook my entire being. I ran out of my room to meet a pie-eyed Paul saying there's a skunk. It turns out the skunk hit Stella, our 3 pound Chihuahua. The smell is everywhere. I just gave Stella a bath in tomato soup because I didn't have the energy to go to the store and get V-8, which everyone tells me works great. We bathed her in dish soap and one of my nice smelling conditioners and that sort of worked too. My hands picked up the stink from the tomato soup bath and I've washed them no less than 10 times in the last hour. Of course, this doesn't bode well for increasing my appetite or keeping the nausea at bay but it does get me out of bed...because the stink is worse if I'm not moving.

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