Tuesday, April 15, 2008

News from WNY

Hmmmm. You little lurkers...who don't leave public comments but are anxiously awaiting news, contacting me in other ways, and in grocery stores meeting up and discussing a twitter or as my friend Joan would say as she rubbed her palms together in front of her face...."what's the scam news".

It's fun to hear about our fellow planet members cruisin' through life...growing, healing, seeing the perfection in all that life throws us.

Joanie, you may remember was my friend in my wellness group at Gilda's. I remember sharing my new found favorite book with her..."cancer made me a shallower person". Damn, we were both saddened by Mariam, the authors, death because of stupid ole' cancer. Anyway, Joanie died too from stupid ole' cancer and it pisses me off 'cause why am I here as a lone ole' cowgirl singin' the survivor blues.

Past blog about Joan...my friend...my fellow survivor...

Anyway, I'm so grateful to her. Thank you, Joanie for giving me the gift of keeping your memory alive and loving your family--Joel, Gigi, and Josie. How can I ever thank you...with each damn tamoxifen I take, with each scan, watch me take down cancer, kickin' it's skinny, slimy, mother f....ing ass.


Christina said...

I'm a lurker. Yes I am. I love you like a sister, and I like knowing what you're doing and feeling. You have an amazing ability to take life in stride. I know you don't always feel that way. I am sorry that your daughters are/will be sad about the divorce, and for all the stress this kind of change brings about for everyone. I am happy for the peace in which you find your heart's true feelings, and the peace that comes about once you've committed to a path that feels right. How brave. I learn from you.

Nancy said...

I guess I am a lurker. I call and you don't call back. I write and you don't write back. I learn about dramatic changes in your life by reading your blog. Well, if not for lurking, I might not feel like I know you at all anymore.

You have been a special part of my life for 10 years and I really miss you.

What can I say?